Bronx Bird Alert — @BirdBronx on Twitter

News 12 Bronx recently did a featured story on these alerts. We also were profiled by NY1 News.


I created Bronx Bird Alert in November 2017 and continue to manage it to provide Bronx birders with a convenient way to share real-time birding information, photos, and videos.

All posts are publicly-viewable and searchable:

How it works

Users follow the Twitter account @BirdBronx. I review submissions and information from a variety of sources to compose my own tweets and to select retweets.


To receive the alerts, follow @BirdBronx and turn on mobile notifications for this account on the Twitter app. If this is all you want, you’re done.

To contribute alerts, photos, or videos, you can tweet @BirdBronx or with a mention, and this usually will get our attention eventually. Introducing yourself with a direct message to us is a good way to start, as Twitter reliably shows these messages, and then we can follow your account. If you tweet mostly birding stuff relevant to us, let us know and we can set notifications on your account and this will save you from having to mention us each time.



  • WHIMBREL at Orchard Beach parking lot puddle in Pelham Bay Park @BirdBronx
  • KENTUCKY WARBLER at the Bronx Zoo north of Aquatic Bird House in the northeast sector of the zoo @BirdBronx
  • PINK-FOOTED GOOSE on Parade Grounds field near Broadway at Van Cortlandt Park @BirdBronx